Having Trouble Deciding On The Type Of IT Support You Want After COVID-19?

The coronavirus pandemic has created a lot of stress and uncertainty for everyone, especially business owners that have been forced to close their doors and embrace remote work instead. As virtually all organizations shift to working from home, there’s been a sudden influx in demand for high-quality technical support. Why? Because organizations of all types and sizes need help with:

  • Setting up and configuring computers and devices for remote workers
  • Implementing more flexible business telephone systems, such as VoIP
  • Acquiring and configuring collaboration platforms, such as Microsoft 365
  • Safeguarding remote environments with enterprise-grade security measures
  • And much more

Outsourcing vs. Maintaining In-House Staff

When lockdowns started, organizations aimed for “good enough” with their remote work approach. Now, as we continue to work remotely to continue social distancing, “good enough” simply isn’t good enough. Instead, it’s vital to make sure your remote workers have the tools, processes, and procedures necessary to work productively while staying safe against cybercrime.

So many organizations are left with one question: “should we outsource or maintain our in-house staff?”

PCW surveyed a group of CFOs to discover more about how they’re handling the situation at hand:

  • Nearly 1 in 3 are expecting layoffs in the next month
  • 72% feel that COVID-19 has the potential to impact operations significantly
  • 68% say remote work will make their company better in the long-run

Naturally, layoffs are imminent, but does that mean you should layoff your in-house technology department and instead outsource? Well, here’s our recommendation: keep your in-house technology department but outsource to an MSP for help.

Co-Managed IT Services: the Best of Both Worlds

If you’re feeling the economic weight of the coronavirus pandemic, don’t rush to lay off your technology department. Instead, outsource to an MSP to help your in-house technology department. This is known as co-managed IT services. Every MSP we’ve talked to over the past few months has experienced a huge spike in tickets resulting from the rush to work from home, and this is expected to continue, even as lockdowns lift.

Technology is more important than ever before. Co-managed IT services can help you keep your trusted technology staff while ensuring you’re not:

  • Paying them overtime for the increased demand
  • Struggling when they’re away on vacation or sick days
  • Lacking access to a breadth of products and services

Simply put, it’s the best of both worlds. You save money because you can rest assured knowing an MSP is helping you proactively monitor and maintain your information systems – preventing any sort of unexpected issues from resulting in downtime. Plus, they have access to the latest products and services, and often, partnerships with vendors that can help you get discounts.

How Much Does It Cost?

Co-managed IT services, similar to managed IT services, are available at a low flat-rate monthly fee, depending on the following:

  • The services required
  • The support hours requested
  • The number of users

You can depend on greater availability as they’re around any time of the day. They can assist where needed – allowing your internal technology department to shine while they offload specific services and responsibilities to the outsourced MSP, such as:

  • Business continuity planning
  • Around-the-clock monitoring
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Responsive help desk support
  • Cloud solutions
  • And much more

Get Started Right Away

Get started with co-managed IT services right away. Get in touch with us:

  1. Book a meeting with our information technology experts, at no-cost with no-obligations, to discuss your challenges and goals.
  2. Get a co-managed IT services plan that gets you on the path toward cutting costs and improving day-to-day operations.
  3. You receive ongoing support to help you come out of the coronavirus pandemic thriving with a competitive edge.

Ready to get started with co-managed IT services? Get in touch with us via the chatbox.

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