• Is Your Tech Firm Conducting Quarterly Technology Reviews?

    Is Your Tech Firm Conducting Quarterly Technology Reviews?

    No matter the line of business you’re in, outsourcing your IT services to a managed service provider (MSP) provides a world of benefits. Both your internal systems and your online presence will be optimized and streamlined, tech problems will be taken care of right away, and you’ll have more time to focus on what matters. […]
  • Is Your Current IT Company Living Up To Their Social Responsibility?

    Is Your Current IT Company Living Up To Their Social Responsibility?

    As a business owner, it’s up to you to make sure that the information and data collected by your company are secure and protected against the many different types of cyber threats lurking within the dark web. Many people believe it is the responsibility of their IT company to handle this type of situation. While […]
  • Important FBI/DHS Warning: Update On FBI and DHS Warning: SamSam Ransomware

    Important FBI/DHS Warning: Update On FBI and DHS Warning: SamSam Ransomware

    The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a critical alert Dec. 3, warning users about SamSam ransomware and providing details on what system vulnerabilities permit the pernicious product to be deployed. According to the alert, which came from the DHS’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) along with the FBI, […]
  • Threat Advisory: SamSam Ransomware

    Threat Advisory: SamSam Ransomware

    SamSam Ransomware is becoming a massive problem for multiple industries across the United States. In fact, the problem is so big that The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, (NCCIC), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), have all recently issued a US-CERT alert due to the SamSam ransomware. Like other types […]
  • Can Employees Dictate Your Business Technology Investments?

    Can Employees Dictate Your Business Technology Investments?

    For most companies that have an IT department, the decisions that revolve around technology, including the devices and the platforms/programs that are used, fall squarely on their shoulders. IT professionals do the research and, in most cases, choose the technology (devices, platforms, etc.) that best suit the needs of the company. The problem is that while […]
  • DHS/FBI Issue Critical Alert: SamSam Ransomware

    DHS/FBI Issue Critical Alert: SamSam Ransomware

    The FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have issued a vital ransomware alert for the SamSam ransomware also known as MSIL/Samas.A. The FBI and DHS alert, issued on November 3rd, 2018 describes how hackers armed with SamSam ransomware have targeted multiple industries, including some within critical infrastructure. Those victimized by SamSam have been located predominately […]
  • Marriott Data Breach: What You Need To Know

    Marriott Data Breach: What You Need To Know

    Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced and the scope of the problem is actually quite astonishing. Here’s what you need to know about the Marriott International data breach. What is the Marriott Data Breach? On November […]
  • Marriott 500 Million Person Data Breach (Questions/Answers)

    Marriott 500 Million Person Data Breach (Questions/Answers)

    How Marriott Got Caught In A 500-Million Person Data Breach Were You Affected? (Your Questions Answered) What Do We Need To Know About The Marriott Breach? Another big corporation got hooked. This time it was Marriott International. They just revealed that their Starwood reservations database of 500 million customers was hacked and that the personal […]
  • Running Office 365 or Google Apps?

    Running Office 365 or Google Apps?

    Guide To Ensure Your Cloud Data Is Properly Backed Up Cloud storage is a relatively new technology that provides access to data on multiple devices any time and anywhere. Many businesses turning to cloud storage to boost the productivity of their employees. While cloud storage is both convenient and secure, it is not infallible. Therefore, […]
  • Microsoft Office 365, Data Governance Made Painless

    Microsoft Office 365, Data Governance Made Painless

    Companies that manage data governance well are in a better position to meet data protection and retention compliance requirements and to accomplish their digital transformation goals. Microsoft Office 365 makes comprehensive, streamlined data governance throughout your organization easy, with automation tools for setting policies governing data retention, expiration, and deletion. The majority of companies already […]
  • Are You Missing Out on Important Tax Credits?

    Are You Missing Out on Important Tax Credits?

    Running a business is an expensive proposition, and it only starts with paying your vendors and employees. The tax codes can be a quagmire of confusion for many business owners, especially when it comes to more complex concepts such as the depreciation laws around technology. The good news is that there have been some meaningful […]
  • What Is Small Business Saturday? (November 24th, 2018)

    What Is Small Business Saturday? (November 24th, 2018)

    How do you usually shop when you need something like a gift for a friend, a new pair of shoes, or a bike for your son or daughter? Today more than ever before, Americans make a beeline for the computer or a big box store when it comes to getting through their shopping list. And […]
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